
1. Use a logger

Do not use console directly. Programs should be able to define logging strategies dependant on the environment. We strongly recommend using a logging library such as Winston (commonly used in node.js programs).

Libraries should provide an easy way to choose a transport which will be used as on output for logs. Examples of transports:

2. Log levels

You can set up as many log levels as needed. npm uses these 7:

  error: 0,
  warn: 1,
  info: 2,
  http: 3,
  verbose: 4,
  debug: 5,
  silly: 6

These are sorted by priority and should be used appropriately. What is logged depends on the environment(dev, test, prod…) in which the program operates. In the production environment, debug logs won’t be displayed since they would cause a lot of unnecessary noise. Verbose logs might be useful for staging environments where you want to see more information about what is happening in the system.

3. What to log

It is very important to log all the information required for developers and DevOps to retrieve as much valuable information from the logs as possible.

Messages are usually generated in a way where developers don’t have to add things like timestamps, log levels, etc., and repeat themselves. Timestamps and log levels are attached to the messages automatically.


Not every error should be logged. Validation errors and expected errors such as handled errors are common and they’re expected to happen frequently, so they shouldn’t interrupt the system in any way whatsoever. Therefore they should not be seen in logs. They can be shown in the access logs.

Unexpected errors should be logged with the highest priority (error). These errors should be monitored, prevented, and handled.

System state changes

Back-end apps strive to be stateless but they also do have some state like:

Changes in the system with valuable information should be logged with the info level. They serve as a great source of information about the system prior to the failure.


Don’t be hesitant to use debug logs. They can always be turned off or turned on back again while debugging. Most of the time developers tend to use console.log and then remove it before committing. I’d encourage you to use debug level and leave it there. It can be a big help in the future which can point you to the part of the code which is responsible for the manipulation of the data.

4. Don’t log sensitive information

Never, ever log credentials, passwords, or any sensitive information.


Front-end logging is fundamentally different from the back-end. There is a new instance of the program for every opened window and it is only opened for 1 particular client. Developers should not expose the functionality to users.

There is an npm package debug that enables developers to write debug logs that persist in the codebase. To reveal the logs in the console, they have to be enabled.

There are 3rd party error monitoring services, that can help us collect information from errors that occur in different parts of the application.