News posts

  • Published on
  • Laptop battery got fat - Weekly #07-2022

    Another week, another update is here. This week, I have been able to commit to a schedule for my streams. I will keep this schedule onwards. I'll be online on Tuesday and Thursday. The stream starts somewhen between 18:00 to 20:00 CET.

    Published on
  • I've started streaming - Weekly #06-2022

    I've been thinking of giving the Weekly series a numbering system. I've come up with the format of #weekNumber-year. This article is only a second Weekly, but it is published for the sixth week of this year, so it will receive a number #06-2022. I use my Samsung Galaxy S21 as a camera via DroidCam. I have even bought the DroidCamX, just because it is the only software that successfully allowed me to connect my phone camera with the PC.

    Published on
  • First Weekly

    Hey dear reader, I'd like to resurrect a series of articles called Weeklys. It's a weekly round-down of things I've learned, discovered, or caught my attention.

  • Podcast episode about Agile development

    Last week I've been invited as a guest in Sudolabs Products podcasts. I've been interviewed by the host and my colleague Ján Koscelanský on my experience with building and leading the team behind The Expert. We were also talking about implementing Continous Integration and End to End testing with Cypress framework. I have to admit, it was a wonderful experience and I've enjoyed it. I'd like to do it again in the future.

  • I've moved my site to Netlify

    So I've been trying to set access to my CMS for a long time now. The problem was that in order to have CMS accessible through my domain, it requires an OAuth server. I've figured out that creating a custom serverless function which will handle the authentication with GitHub would be sufficient.